Wednesday, October 1, 2008

goals, poo and Tylenol

Well it's been awhile so I suppose it's time for an update.
Alexis and Logan are almost done with soccer. It has been a lot of fun to watch them play this season. Alexis has really improved! I think a lot has to do with the coach she has this time. They practiced a lot more than they have in other seasons and it seems to really have paid off. She gets right up in there and chases after the ball and has made a few goals and almost made several more. Bryan challenged the two of them last week and said whoever made a goal would get a prize. Alexis won last week. She seems to enjoy playing more this season than she has in the past.

Logan won daddy's "goal challenge" this week! Logan, how shall I put this, is not an aggressive player. That seems pretty PC. ;) He loves to play with his friends and run up and down the field but he hasn't been too concerned with trying to get in there and kick the ball and trying to make a goal hasn't really been a priority. But last night at his game he got right in there and made a goal! The best part was the victory dance he did afterward. Oh my goodness, it was hilarious! He started jumping up and down and punching in the air. We all had a good laugh. A few of the parents and the coach came up to me after the game to tell me how much they loved his dance. Bryan was so bummed he missed it. He was at home taking care of Mady because she isn't feeling well. Logan got to buy the Iron Man DVD for his prize. He is still proud of himself.

Madelynn has her first cold. Poor girl, she is so miserable. She is congested and has red watery eyes. I've been giving her some Tylenol for her fever and to hopefully just make her feel better. She is still managing to smile through her misery, though. She is such a sweet little baby. It's so sad to see her feeling so rotten.

The kids are both doing very well in school. Alexis had a bit of a problem with talking too much in class the second week in school but has since been behaving very well. She has me quiz her on math and spelling while we are driving. She is a very good student and catches on quickly. Logan has a great teacher. I talked to her last week and she told me that Logan just cracks her up! She said that there are times when she should probably be telling him to sit down but she waits because she wants to see what he will do next. He is doing well in his assignments and homework. He is in speech therapy again this year and continues to make progress. One day he asked me how to write his last name so I wrote WALKER for him so he could see it. He said "no it starts like this" and wrote an R in the air. I said "no, this is your last name. It starts with a W, not an R." He tried to write it out right and got really frustrated and finally said "I'm just going to write it my way." A couple of days later Bryan was looking over his school work and said "Who the hell is Logan Robb?" I busted up laughing. I don't know why he thinks that is how to write Walker, but he has been writing Logan Robb on the top of all of his papers at school. He won't even listen to anyone trying to tell him different. =0)

The potty training excitement continues with Brooklyn. If she is wearing nothing, she goes on the potty and doesn't have any accidents. As soon as I put panties on her she pees in them and if she wears a pull-up she doesn't tell you when she has to go. So we just let her run around the house naked or put a dress on her so she can be naked underneath. Saturday evening we were at the Buhl country club for Bryan's nephew's wedding. Everyone kept commenting on how beautiful Brooklyn looked in her little brown velvet dress. Well, my beautiful little girl started pooping in her pull-up. I saw her grunting and knew it was too late so I just let her finish. A couple of minutes later Bryan's niece said, "ummm I think Brooklyn needs some help." I looked over just in time to see a man pick her pull-up up off the ground. Horrified, I ran over there. The nice man handed me the empty pull-up. I figured she must have not gone after all. I took her to the bathroom and she didn't go but I could still smell it. Where was the poo? I saw some on the bottom of her shoe so I cleaned her up and put another pull-up on her. Several minutes later, after I stood there talking to several people, Alexis pointed out that I had poop on the front of my tan pants I was wearing! I still never found the actual poop, hopefully no one else stumbled upon it either, but I sure did get the raw end of that little fiasco.
Yesterday, my beautiful little Brooklyn went with me to the dollar store wearing a dress and no panties. On the way to the car, I turned around just in time to see my little Brookie standing with her legs spread, dress pulled up, and peeing right in the middle of the parking lot! She finished, put her dress down and just continued walking like nothing had happened! *sigh* A lady drove by laughing. I had to join her, what else are you supposed to do? At least it wasn't in the store, right?!


Sarah said...

Your page looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I could not stop laughing about Logan Robb and Brooklyn's poop and pee. Your kids crack me up. Never a dull moment at the "Robb" house. lol