Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A conversation with Alexis

Me: Alexis do you miss Mrs. Smurthwaite? (her 1st grade teacher that she despised)

Alexis: NO!!

Logan: I hope I get Mrs. Carlson. (Lexy's 2nd grade teacher)

Alexis: No, you want to get Mrs. Morris.

Me: Why? I thought you liked Mrs. Carlson.

Alexis: I do, it's just that Mrs. Morris doesn't go on and on and on about her personal life in class.

Me: Is that what Mrs. Carlson does?

Alexis: YES!! I can't hear any more about her kids and how much she "loves Eric!" Blah, blah, blah, blah!!! Like I give a crap that you got a new truck. I don't need to be hearing all of this, just get on with class!!!!

Me: (laughing out loud now) So she talks a lot about that stuff in class?

Alexis: YES!!! I just sit there and roll my eyes the whole time. Who cares?!? (and I'm sure she does, she has mastered the eye-rolling!)

My precious little angel. (big sigh)

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